Your pet's health is our priority

Emotional guidance through your loss

Losing a pet is one of the saddest moments of one’s life. You’re immediately hit with strong emotions you don’t know how to handle. But that’s not all; your other pets and loved ones feel it too.

How do you…

  • Comfort them?
  • Break the news to those yet to know?
  • Handle your emotions?
  • Guide your family through the loss and healing?

Gentle Pet Crossing understands how overwhelming this can be for you and your loved ones. We’re pet parents too, and have suffered devastating losses. We’re here as a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, and a hand to guide you through this healing process.

How we help you

Emotional guidance through your loss

The process…

Through our countless experiences, we guide you on how to handle the following:

  • Your emotions & and that of your loved ones
  • Showing respect to your passed pet.
  • The best place to keep your children and pets to aid their grieving process.
  • Post-care for you and your loved ones.

These two resources offer advice on how to deal with grief and loss, as well as tips for coping with the specific challenges of losing a pet.

Why choose us

Emotional guidance through your loss

Our experience

We are pet owners and lovers who have gone through the process of losing a loved one many times. It doesn’t make it any easier, but it allows us to offer quality assistance.

Qualified help

Parents who need support in dealing with their emotions can reach out to APLB and Pet Loss. They offer valuable coping resources to help you navigate this journey. Links are provided above for your convenience.

Not an answering service

We don’t hand your situation to scheduling robots. Despite our tight schedule, we answer your calls directly. This allows us to start providing care from the first instance of communication.

Grief support

We’re here for you and your loved ones every step of the way. From pre-funeral to post-funeral, we listen, comfort, and guide you through your healing process, ensuring you do it the right way for you and your future pets.

Afterlife care

We do more than guide you to recovery. We can handle the entire process of your pet passing or euthanasia. Gentle Pet Crossing is here for you, from pick-up and end-of-life care to funeral service and post-care.

Get in touch with us!

Emotional guidance through your loss

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